
Making Elsie Proud

Drinkable Reason #421.
Around these parts, we have not one, or two, but THREE options for downing a cold glass of milk on a hot summer day. For adults we offer 2% while the energetic toddlers guzzle whole milk from neighboring cows, leaving the fresh goat milk for the wee ones. We are grateful for the options, even though they occupy more than their share of refrigerated real estate!

Swimming & Angel Photographers

Reasons #419 & 420. 
#419 Fist pumps and high fives for the 'Learn to Swim' free swim lessons the Red Cross hosts here in the Piney Woods! Due to their efforts, our lil guy can now paddle, kick, blow some mighty bubbles and spend time under water! Watch out Michael Phelps!
#420 Standing ovation for the gift of our angelic photographer who just so happened to have his handy-dandy souped up camera taking pics of his lil one and graciously snapped a few airshots o-the-lil-guy!